Wednesday, November 29, 2006

a race, a hat, two little bags with wristie-sliders

wip hat
The recent glorious weather has led to much enjoyment of the outside world this past week. Sunday brought with it another bike race, this time on a farm, right through the fields. The BIG NEWS of the weekend was that there will now be even more bicycle races right through January. The excitement never stops. Really.

Nor does the excitement stop when training for obscure dog sporting events. This one is known as tracking, wherein someone (the 'tracklayer') walks through a field and drops an object (the 'article') at the end of his path. The dog is to sniff along the path and find the article. Dogs find this game immensely satisfying. Trust me.
Spencie at work:

In other BIG NEWS, holy crafternation batman, new projects abound! The above hat, modeled while in progress, now lays finished upon my desk (sadly unphotographed). I used a variagated green and white cotton/rayon blend yarn, recycled from a thrifted sweater held together with green merino wool, size 10 circ + dpn's, and a made-up pattern. I call it the Chunky Hiking Socks Scully.
Also, my little crafty brain has been crafting up ideas for a small square purse with a wristie-slider and my new obsession, snaps. Here are the first two prototypes, more shaping and designing to come. . .

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