Sunday, May 06, 2007

goodbye april, hello may

We're already a week into May, and so far, so good. Hellooooo May. Hello sunny sunny days and no bugs (yet).
In celebration of springtime, here is a new 'spring top.' Simplicity 3835. I could just leave it at the number, thereby disguising that I have sewn yet another Built By Wendy, but I'll admit it. So there. I'll also admit that Dave and I play an email game we call 'things u like,' where we email each other pics of things the other person likes. Creative game title, no? Wendy has found her way into my inbox more than once. She's in good company, with the likes of mac-n-cheese, VW camper vans, and border collie puppies.
the shirt, again. . . simplicity 3835

In addition, I picked up the April copy of Burda World of Fashion, and I'm working on my very first Burda shirt, #125. Work in progress:
work in progress

While Spring has been lovely, it hasn't been all fun and roses, or blooming crabapple trees, as the case may be.

Poor Ms. Sylvia had an unfortunate run-in with a twig that lodged itself between her toes under the skin while she was busy keeping her yard squirrel-free. Darn misplaced sticks!!! Fortunately, after a trip to the vet for twig-removal and x-rays (just in case), she is back in tip-top shape, or so she thinks. We have one more week to go of no running around. Wish us luck. Little Ms. Speeddoggie cannot fathom why she's not allowed to go go go!
A happy speeddoggie, prior to the Stick Incident. . .

Soon enough, Sylvia, hang in there. . .

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